Friday, 20 January 2012

Effect of varying separation in BMRs on the strength of Solar Cycle

The separation between the spots in a BMR has a significant effect on the strength of the Solar cycle.
R is the radius of individual sunspots, and 2 sunspots in a BMR are identical, except that they have magnetic field of opposite polarity. All the distances are between centers of sunspots.
1 unit distance=1000km
tilt=lat/2 with sd=19 degrees
Bmax as per Jiang et al.
Initial polar field= 3.5G, since this value gives stable(equal) oscillations for no change in parameters.

1. Separation= 2R-10

The magnetic field oscillates between +0.84 G and -2.55 G.
Difference= 3.39 G

2. Separation= 2R-5

The magnetic field oscillates between +1.6 G and -2.54 G.
Difference= 4.14 G

3. Separation=2R

The magnetic field oscillates between +2.65 G and -2.55 G.
Difference= 5.20 G

4. Separation= 2R+10

The magnetic field oscillates between +4.011 G and -2.50 G.
Difference= 6.51 G

5. Separation= 2R+20

The magnetic field oscillates between +5.56 G and -2.47 G.
Difference= 8.03 G

6. Separation= 2R+30

The magnetic field oscillates between +6.85 G and -2.45 G.
Difference= 9.30 G

Internal flux cancellation depends on the separation between the 2 spots in a BMR. The greater the separation, less is the cancellation, and more flux is transported towards the poles. Clearly affecting the strength of the cycle.

For every value of separation, there will be a different value of initial polar field, for which we will obtain an oscillation with same magnitude on either side of zero. But the difference between the peaks will stay the same, as previous simulations suggest.

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